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U.S. Army Registration of Motor Vehicles (1946) U.S. Army Registration of Motor Vehicles (1942) Markings of Vehicles:  U.S. Defense Department
Registration of motor vehicles. 1946 edition. Registration of motor vehicles. 1942 edition. Includes markings for USMC, USAF, US Navy
Current Vehicle Markings (U.S. Army) TB-746-93-1 Color and Markings of Military Vehicles TB 43-0209 Current Vehicle Markings (U.S. Army) (1990 Edition)
Color marking and camouflage painting of military vehicles, construction equipment and materials handling equipment - abridged edition Stars, bumper markings, bridge plates, lettering, for all Army vehicles of late 1950s thru 1964 Color marking and camouflage painting of military vehicles, construction equipment and materials handling equipment - full unabridged edition