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P-39K-1 & P-39L-1 Flight Operating Instructions (AAF '42)
P-39K-1 & P-39L-1 Flight Operating Instructions (AAF '42)
Price: $10.00

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Official WW2 AAF P-39 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions dated December 20, 1942.

Bell Aircraft designed and built the P-39 for the US Army Air Corp with the prototype flying in 1938. By the attack on Pearl Harbor, 600 P-39's had been delivered and were in service. Commonly known as the "Aircobra", the P-39 ended up serving extensively in Russia and other parts of the European theater primarily under the Lend Lease program.

Learn to fly the P-39 from the official US Army Air Forces manual. Well illustrated with nice cockpit photographs and more. History!

Approximately 30 pages, softcover & saddlestitched.