Assembly Operations, Single Unit Pack, CCKW (G508). 27 pages.
A package deal of the technical manuals we recommend for GMC CCKW/G508/Jimmy Owners. Big league savings.
Change to TM 9-1801 for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). 43 pages on 22.
Change 1 & Change 2 to TM 9-801 for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508).
1950 Change that updates many sections of the Operators Manual. Includes new lubrication order and procedure.
66 pages.
Official GMC Troubleshooting Guide for their "270" motor found in the CCKW & DUKW.
Kit Instructions WKT-106A Cab Heater for CCKW (G508)
GMC prepared installation instruction for the cab heater for the GMC 6x6 & 6x4 Trucks (CCW & CCKW-352 &353). Includes templates and excellent photographs.
7 pages with templates.
Lubrication Order for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508).
Plain paper
ORD 6 J16-20: List of Mechanics Tools for GM DUKW and CCKW of WW2. This is a listing of all of the tools used to service these vehicles.
23 pages Stapled
Complete Illustrated Parts for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508).
Monster illustrated parts catalog for the Jimmy. Last WW2 publication dated July 11, 1945. Excellent parts reference and includes both GM part numbers as well as Ordnance.
Covers 6x6 GMC Models CCKWX-353, CCKW-352 & 353 & AFKWX-353.
Covers 6x4 GMC Models CCW-353
762 pages. Perfect bound, like original.
GMC issued service bulletins for military trucks in WW2 just like they did for civilian vehicles. These bulletins have lots of practical information learned from the field. Highly recommended.
A package deal (Save $ Big Time) of the manuals we recommend for GMC CCKW/G508/Jimmy Owners + 2 important reference books. Insta-library!
Engine GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G501 / G508). Fits, Tolerances & Wear Limits.
17 pages
Procedure for Disassembly, Reassembly and Stowarge of GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Airborne Truck (G508). Covers Cargo and Dump, w/or w/o Winch, Long or Short Wheelbase. Dated May 27, 1944. 31 pages on 16.
Repair Manual for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). Timken split axle version. 206 pages.
Maintenance & Repair for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). Hard cab model. 350 pages.
Illustrated Parts Manual for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck, CCKW-352 & 353 (G508).
Dated January 16, 1942 168 pages Stapled & Tape bound (like original)
TM 10-1269 Maintenance Manual for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). Dated 1942
Early series Quartermaster Manual that covers operation, maintenance and rebuild of the CCKW of WW2. 430 pages.
TM 10-1401 Maintenance Manual for AFKX-352 GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck C.O.E. (G509).
GMC shop manual for the "cab over engine" version of the CCKW of WW2. Excellent operator, maintenance and rebuild manual.
198 pages.
Complete Illustrated Parts Manual for AFKWX, GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck C.O.E. (G509).
Dated May 1, 1942
Tape bound, 136 pages.
This is a high quality, bound reprint of a late Quartermaster-era maintenance manual for the CCKW. Covering all systems for both the "banjo" and "split" axle versions of the vehicle.
TM 5-5060 LeRoi Air Compressor for GMC CCKW Truck (Model 105GA)
Operations, Maintenance and Parts.
Power Train, Chassis & Body for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). 504 pages.
This manual includes everything you need to know to rebuild your GMC DUKW or CCKW engine. Chapters on normal operation, lubrication, clutch, electrical system, starting system, fuel system, cooling system and more.
TM 9-1827A Power Brake Systems - Bendix, Air Brakes, Air over hydraulic, compressors, valves, etc.
309 pages Edition: 1953
TM 9-1827B Vacuum Brake Systems (Bendix B-K). Maintenance and rebuild manual for the "Hydrovac" brake system manufactured by Bendix and used in the GMC CCKW and other WW2 vehicles.
151 pages Edition: 1944
Operator and Maintenance for Truck, Bomb Serice M27. Early CCKW manual, replaced by TM 9-801. 112 pages.
TM 9-801 Operator and Repair Manual for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck (G508). April 24, 1944 Edition.
This is the operator & basic maintenance manual for the GMC CCKW of WW2.
Digitally enhanced, professionally printed and bound.
480 pages
Operator and Maintenance for GMC 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Truck, Forward Control Models (G509). GMC AFKWX 353. 368 pages.